Agile Mindset and Benefits of Going Agile

If Agile is so great then why isn’t everyone project doing it ? Well, in real world projects a practice that works very well for a project team may not work as...

Differences between Predictive and Adaptive development methods

Why would one use Agile ? Project teams should adopt Agile methodologies because delivering software products and solutions according to the values & principles in Agile Manifesto gives plenty of benefits vis-à-vis...

Agile Value – Responding to Change over Following a Plan

What do you understand by – “Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation” ? It means for a project team it is far more important to deliver software products to the users that does...

Values, Principles and Essence of the Agile Manifesto

What does the “The Manifesto for Agile Software Development” contain ? The Manifesto for Agile Software Development also called as the Agile Manifesto contains 4 Values and 12 Principles. What are the Values...

Agile in 2 Minutes and the Agile Movement

Explain Agile in 2 minutes ? Agile refers to the Mindset or the set of attitudes to respond quickly to customer requests. Agile includes the set of Methods and Methodologies that enable responding...