What is the role played by the Scrum Master ?

The Scrum Master helps the team understand and execute Scrum. The Scrum Master job is to help the Development Team, the Product Owner get Scrum right.

The Scrum Master demonstrates a particular type of leadership called the – Servant leadership. The Scrum Master is the Servant Leader. So the Scrum Master helps or serves the Product Owner and the Development team and the rest of the people throughout the organisation by –

Helping the Product Owner find the best ways to manage the Product Backlog

Helping the Development Team by facilitating all the Scrum Events

Helping rest of the organization understand Scrum

What are the 5 values in Scrum ?

The 5 values in Scrum are – Focus, Respect, Openness, Courage and Commitment.

What does the ‘focus’ value in Scrum refer to ?

The ‘focus’ value of Scrum is about the Scrum team focussing on the goals and the work of the sprint.

What elements in the Scrum framework helps promote ‘focus’ ?

The Scrum artifacts and events help create focus on inspecting progress and new information so the team can adapt at frequent intervals.

The team focus on having a Done Increment  by the end of every Sprint.

The team focus on a Sprint Goal to guide them in what to deliver by the end of the sprint.

Each Scrum role has a clear accountability which helps the individuals know what to focus on, which contributes to the team outcomes.

The Product Backlog is an ordered list of features, stories or product backlog items and that creates focus on what is most important thing for the Scrum team to do next.

Timeboxed events create a sense of urgency and help the Scrum team focus on the purpose of the event.