What are the three pillars of Scrum ?

The three pillars of Scrum are the cycle of – Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.

How does the three pillars of Scrum play itself out during the Sprint ?

The cycle of Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation starts with Transparency where the Scrum team decides together during the Sprint Planning session what items to include in the Sprint what it will take for each item to be done. All work done by everyone in the team is visible to the other team members all the time.

The whole team meets every day in the Daily Scrum to Inspect each item that is being worked on.

If the team discovers any changes, they Adapt to them – by Adding or Removing items from the Sprint Backlog say when the team encounters any blockers

The next day the cycle begins again with the team members giving complete Transparency into what they’re doing at the Daily Scrum.

The team also Inspects and Adapts at the other Scrum events such as – Sprint Planning session, the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective – by reviewing and modifying the Sprint Goal, Sprint Items, tasks and the way they work.

What are some of the drawbacks of Scrum ?

It has been experienced that Scrum works well with four to five teams but beyond that it becomes difficult to scale. So scaling beyond five teams become challenging. Also owing to relentless delivery pressure Technical Debt increases over time and the teams tend to spend less time on Documentation.